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  • Writer's pictureBrian Fitzgerald

Let us get Up to Date!

WOW! I should really be using this more often! Since COVID swept the world, I had to focus more on just working, and less on my projects. Now that I have the time (and space) to breathe, I can finally update this website and my portfolio about what has been going on.

-The previous project, Project Scrapmaster, has been... well, scrapped. Though I did have fun using Pixel art, I wanted to work more on a 3D project than a 2D one.

-There is a NEW project! And I have actually been working on this in small bursts during the years with my very good friend, Logan Acree. Together, we are working on a Top-Down RPG Sim titled Guildmaster.(TP) We are making great strides with it and is almost near its point to where it is actually playable!

-I am looking for a design job when I can, but as of now, my free time goes to this project. or I go and work as an Assistant Manager at my current full-time job.

I will post pictures soon about the project, but from now on, i intend to make more frequent posts, more so than previous. im actually going to try to post after i get done working on my project!

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